2K Erg Program – More Information

November 12, 2011

How to lower your erg score without spending all day training.

Just wanted to let you know about some new articles I just posted and how to improve your 2K erg using my 84-Day Training program.

Check out some new FREE  erg training suggestions I just posted on coachkaehler.com

Also, check out my 2k erg training recommendations on page 43 or the latest issue of Rowing News.

Are you struggling to get your 2k erg score lower?  Unexcited about having to go through the another long season of training not knowing if using the same training system  will give you the improvement you need?  Finding it hard to get the time to get the right amount of training in each week? When you have your entire training plan already laid-out it makes training efficient and fun.

  • Master’s Rowers – will enjoy this effective yet time efficient program which will help you train at your best.   This program design has been used by many of my private clients with much success while at the same time it has been refined correcting any previous errors in design.  I am now offering my training techniques to everyone.
  • High School Rowers – The 2K erg score is the gold standard to measure rowing physiology.  In fact college rowing coaches use the 2k as the door opener, it has become the SAT of rowing.
  • Pre-Elite Rower – helps get you to the next level of training and racing by building a strong foundation

See how my 84-Day Erg Training Program will:


Hurry and purchase NOW!   The CRASH-B’s are only 101 Days from today!

Would like to improve your 2k erg score, while still being able to manage the rest of your life?  If you would like to have complete control and confidence in your 2k erg training program this winter, please keep reading.

Getting maximum improvement out of your training is easy if you have a comprehensive plan that covers the main areas that will lead to success on the ergometer.  Maybe it’s been a while since you felt strong on the erg.  Or, you may be in that happy minority that has done well on your 2k erg score, but still you are not where you want to be.   Most erg programs are designed for group training and do not address your individual deficits.

You see, success of reaching your true potential on the erg has a lot more to do with understanding what your real deficits are as an individual athlete, and then to start correcting them, and much more than just pounding out a bunch of meters each day.  After having done over 800 of my Body Balance Evaluations on athletes at all level (Olympic Champions to Junior Rowers) I have uncovered key areas that must be addressed not only to maximize your potential on the ergometer, but also to improve rowing strength and power and also to prevent or eliminate chronic training related injuries.  Your training must include these key corrective exercises that will not only improve your strength and power but also increase your erg prowess.  Let’s face it the erg is a strength/power machine or as I call it “the truth teller”.

Hurry and purchase NOW the CRASH-B’s are 101 Days from today!

Training on the erg is its own beast.  Over the years I have learned from my own mistakes on the pitfalls of improper training on the ergometer.  I also have helped numerous rowers return to pain-free rowing on the ergometer after running them through my Body Balance Evaluation Process.  The fact is the ergometer is the ‘truth teller” and the Concept 2 is unforgiving.  Injury rates are much higher on the erg than on-the-water because of the increased stress caused by no change of direction momentum on the standard Concept 2.  This program is challenging and is recommended only for those who are not completely dedicated to pushing themselves beyond their current limits.


This Powerful Training Program Includes;

  • My Body Balanced Strength Training Program (you choose the appropriate level)
  • My Dynamic Balance Training Warm-up program
  • The erg program has weekly built-in training assessment workouts to track your current fitness level to make sure each workout is done at the correct intensity.
  • Key Assessments and Drills which help improve your Body Balance
  • Powerful Rest Periodization


Hurry and purchase this powerful 84-Day Training Program NOW!   The CRASH-B’s are only 101 Days from today!

YOU only have 17 DAYS to purchase this program and get its full benefit.

My proven 84-Day Program will get you the results you seek.  This program is ONLY recommended for those who are willing to train hard but efficiently.  You will PEAK on race day!

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